The Journal "Journal of Educational Research & Bibliometric Studies" ( e-ISSN: Apply For) is a Platinum Open Access, Peer Reviewed (No APC, CC-BY License, Copyright to the authors), single-blind journal managed and published by Vyom Hans Publications, India. The frequency of the Journal is 3 (January-April; May-August; September-December) i.e., 3 issues in a year. Vyom Hans Publications registered for digital identity with ARK:/8546. Journal of Educational Research & Bibliometric Studies aims to redefine the landscape of education by embracing and promoting interactive learning methodologies and education management through bibliometric studies. We seek to publish research that enhances our understanding of interactive learning and contributes to the development of effective educational environments. We aim to catalyze positive change in academic practices, empowering educators and learners to thrive in an ever-evolving world. Through a multidisciplinary lens, we aspire to bridge the gap between theory and application, paving the way for a more interactive and engaging educational environment. Journal of Educational Research & Bibliometric Studies is a Platinum Open Access and Peer Reviewed Journal that publishes original regular research, review articles, and book reviews.
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